기타2023. 4. 18. 19:49

유럽의 법규 요구성능인 DDAW와 ADDW에 대한 한글자료가 몇 없는 것 같아 정리해본다.
[ DDAW ]
Driver Drowsiness and Attention Warning (DDAW) systems
운전자의 졸음 및 주의력을 모니터링 하고,
졸음 등이 감지되면 시각적, 청각적 방법으로 경고하기 위한 시스템.
2022 7월까지 모든 차에 적용되어야됨
 (the aim is for DDAW systems to be mandated on all new vehicles by July 2022)
* 참고영상 : https://youtu.be/Ta7I0OB_RWU

[ ADDW ]
Advanced Driver Distraction Warning (ADDW) systems
운전자의 주의력이 분산되지 않도록 감지하는 시스템.
2024년까지 전반적인 이동기기에 적용되어야 함( Advanced Driver Distraction Warning (ADDW) systems, which is required for conventional vehicles by 2024. )

ADDW is defined as a system capable of recognising the driver's level of visual attention to the traffic situation and warning the driver when distracted.
* 참고자료 : https://extranet.idiada.com/iris/-/asset_publisher/1d6ZLmMjPpsF/blog/advanced-driver-distraction-warning-addw-first-report/11719?inheritRedirect=false 
[ 추가자료 ]
1. DDAW와 ADDW의 전반적인 설명

TRL | Driver Drowsiness and Attention Warning (DDAW) systems

TRL is working alongside the European Commission (EC) to develop critical regulation around Driver Drowsiness and Attention Warning (DDAW) systems – which are designed to monitor drivers’ levels of drowsiness and warn them when it is no longer safe to


2. EU's General Safety Regulation and Commercial Vehicles
: 전반적인 EU의 규제에 대한 설명을 들을 수 있음 (연도별) 


Posted by mminky